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Saturday, June 30, 2012


Got a blender!? Please dust it off and USE IT!! No better time than now or any of the other 364 days of the year to whip up a delicious, nutritious, cool, treat! Everyday is a smoothie day for me! Here are a few fool proof ways to ensure you will always have the fruit available to whip one up at any given time !

• Always buy fruit, even if you don't need any more
• Cut up, chop, the fruit that is "going to fast" on you and place it on cookie sheets lined with waxed paper. Place in freezer. When frozen, add all the fruit to a gallon sized freezer bag. Do this every couple of days. Then before you know it, you will have a bag of frozen mixed fruit ready to be zapped into a refreshing smoothie.
•Don't use ICE! Period!-- It waters down the taste and if you do the above frozen fruit trick, you can say bye bye to ice in your fruit smoothie!
• Be CREATIVE.. There are no set rules or recipes! Be bold... add spinach!
•Write down your favorite blends to share with friends, or to remember for another day!

Here are some SUPER FOODS to keep on hand if you want to really boost yourself through your smoothie!

 What are they? They are whole, natural foods that provide more vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber, phytonutrients, and antioxidants than other foods. Here are some you might want to add:
  • Acai Berries
  • Almond Butter
  • Aloe Vera Juice
  • Avocado
  • Chia Seed
  • Flax Seed
  • Ginger
  • Pumpkin
  • Sprouts
  • Wheatgrass

One of my favorite concoctions is :
1 banana
1 orange
1-2 c. of my Mixed Frozen Fruit
chia seeds
splash of coconut water
splash of Orange Juice*
* or enough to get the blender going!

Pour into favorite glass plug a straw in there! Sit back, sip, and enjoy!!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Almost Day 30... Eating Yummy!

Wow! This past month has gone by very quickly... but at the same time I feel like it has dragged on forever. Part of this is because on June 1st, I began my P90X . I had read, researched, learned, watched success stories, read blogs, and so on. I thought if I am going to do this, I am going to have to start and not look back!
 Fast forward 29 days, and here we are! I am about to wrap up my very first month. It has definately been a learning experience for sure. I have learned to be dilligent, be constant, consistent, eat well, keep organized, keep my eye on my goals, and most of all try!  I have learned I can't do it all, but I am trying my hardest, and giving it my all. I am learning that practice certainly does make perfect.... or working towards that goal. I have learned that "Rome was not built in a day", nor will my my results! I have learned to keep plugging away, and pressing play! I have learned that this is not some "health kick", as some have called it. "Oh I hear you are on some health kick!?"  Umm, no not a health  kick,  but a way of life. A way to forget about all the tempting crap that we face every day and choosing the best I can.

Here is a sample of what eating CLEAN and eating HEALTHY looks like:

Here you have a:

 Homemade Veggie Burger on a Homemade Whole Wheat English Muffin w/ Hummus. The salad: Mixed Baby Greens with Black Beans, Feta Cheese, Avocado, and Hard Boiled Egg Whites. Topped with a Raspberry Vinaigrette.

Sounds a whole lot better than Hot Dogs and Mac& Cheese, doesn't it!?
If this is a "health kick", then kick me already, it looks delicious!

It was! Not only did this taste A-maz-ing, but It was simple, easy and best of all homemade! I do a lot of hamemade around here! It's cheaper, it's better, it's fresh, and I love to cook. So it's a all around win win for me!

I will share this recipe with you tomorrow, and some other healthy and easy ideas, to keep your summer easy & healthy!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Try Before You Buy! Beachbody-- Trial Packs

Are you ready for this!??

Beachbody is introducing a "Try Before You Buy", during the month of July! This is the most fantastic deal ever! I wish it would have been available when I was shopping for my program!

So, get started NOW and pay LATER. Try a Challenge Pack for FREE today! It has everything you will need: A fitness program of your choice (P90X, Turbofire, or Brazil Butt Lift),  along with Shakeology®( Chocolate, Greenberry, or Tropical Strawberry) and Team Beachbody® VIP Club membership. Just pay $14.95 S&H plus tax today and pay for the Challenge Pack after 30 days* IF you want to keep it. What do you have to lose?

Please visit my website:

•Go to SHOP
•Choose P90X, Turbofire, OR Brazil Butt Lift
•Thank yourself for making the first step to making your life BETTER!
• Join me in my latest Challenge Group for accountability,motivation, and inspiration!

I am always available for questions, concerns, insight, input, tips, tricks, recipes, and more! Don't hesitate to give me a shout!!!

*After 30 days if you'd like to hold on to your Challenge Pack you will be charged the full price of the program (P90X and Turbofire $205, and Brazil Butt Lift $160). The best part, you do this on your own time, in the comfort of your own home! No more gym membership!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

in·spi·ra·tion/ˌinspəˈrāSHən/.....It's everywhere, it surrounds us, and if you take a minute to slow down and look around, you too will notice it.  Whether it be your vision, a thought, motivation, an incentive or influence. Let those notions carry you to something bigger than you could ever imagine. Keep pushing the envelope, and never settle. Always strive to be more, to be accomplished and proud takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

So in saying that, the image above has so much impact on my life at this very moment, and really touched me to open up the eyes of others. "Be The Type Of Person You Want To Meet". As I begin my journey to a healthy lifestyle, and to share my ideas, my thoughts, and my passions, I realized I would be honored for someone to look forward to meeting me one day! Has someone inspired you to make great changes? Have you inspired yourself to make great changes? I know I have truly been inspired, and know that I am ready to be that person that someone would like to meet. I believe that everyday you can make small changes to make someone else's day brighter as you do your own. If it's as simple as a smile, and to offer a helping hand, or a word of advice. Don't let your days pass you by, before you wake up and realize you wanted to be a "star"!


Friday, May 4, 2012

     Seems easy, right? We are guilty of falling into the trap of eating what we have become to know as "normal". Not really realizing how much of the food be have come to know and love, is nothing more than the devil in disguise. When you take a moment and pause to think, I mean...really think of what you eat. It's amazing how much all those little habits add up, and it can all cause a collision course with our health.  Is it worth it? I don't think so.
     To eat healthy is a lot easier than eating unhealthy. Once you get into the flow of foods to avoid, and foods that are your friends, a little light bulb will turn on your awareness. When shopping at the grocey store, you should always shop the perimeter of the store. The inner aisles... are where the most crap, junk, high calorie, high sodium, fatty, sugary temptations lurk. I would have to say 95% of all those foods can be avoided. The chips, soda, colorful cereals, bars, ice cream, frozen "dinners", boxed "dinners", processed meats, cheeses, pastas, to name a few.  Sound familiar?
     I am going to stop for a moment and tell you a little about myself. I LOVE food! Grew up with the most amazing food, and goodies, snacks and treats! My mom is to thank for all my love for all things culinary. That's where my heart lead me in life. I am a Culinary Arts graduate. I have seriously always been in a kitchen. I had a short four year career after my graduation, before taking permanent vacation to be a mom to twin girls, and in another four years to a little man. Bittersweet to leave something I really enjoyed doing. In turn, I fell in love with being a mother. Often daydreaming about those hot days behind a busy line, and my interning days in the crazy bakeshop. I never lost my touch and picked up my mother's nearly 30 year cake decorating business. It was second nature, since I grew up watching, learning, doing! So long story short, it's in my veins. The love of food runs straight through me, and the love to create and cook and share runs deeper.
     The past 8.5 years has truly sculpted me in to who I am at this very moment. Being a mom, being busy, and being active. On top of my everyday motherly duties: Cooking, cleaning, picking up, laundry, making snacks, mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, schedules, appointments and so on. On top of that comes being a referee, nurse, maid, therapist, teacher, personal shopper, among other trades! So in this time I have been molded into a smarter, educated, seasoned, more aware cook. I have been transformed from the norm. I have accepted the fact, that I too had fallen into the bad habits most everyone picks up. Mainly out of convenience and necessity.
   Over the past 5 years I have really turned into the inner Martha Stewart I knew I have always had in me. To cook, create, entertain, garden, and make it better! I have always had "the touch", and love knowing how to make things "just right". The more I enjoyed staying home raising our children, the more I became very resourceful. Always making nearly everything handmade, homemade,from scratch, fresh from the garden, and sewn by hand. My personal motto " Don't buy it, if you can make it yourself!" So you can imagine, and I am self admittingly a cookie snob... I make those myself, Granola bars(please)... hand me my oats, Brownie mix? Nah, I'll make those too. Bisquick?? I don't think so! Campbell's Soup... Over Homemade Chicken Noodle...Never! Double -Triple- Chunk-Dunked Ice Cream... No thanks.... I will make some homemade vanilla instead! Not only was I being a snob to the general norm, that most people deem as "groceries". I looked at it with ($)($) dollar signs in my eyeballs. I found it and still find it, so much more fulfilling to my soul and to our wallet to make things myself! The main reason, I love to cook. The second reason, it's cheaper. The third, and probably the MOST IMPORTANT reason..... I know each an every ingredient in each and every item I make, no matter how big or small. I can pronounce my ingredients, and that is and was my main drive to step it up a notch.
 Not only did I find my calling by doing so, but love to know my family is eating nothing processed, noting loaded with sodium, no yucky food coloring, no overloaded sugary drinks. But I will say my kids, are infact kids... and they do eat "the junk", once in a great while as it is a right of passage! On behalf of their grandmothers, I may add! I don't freak out if they have soda at a friend's birthday party, or decide to grab a gumball with the quarter burning their little pocket. I let them live a little! After all I do, I know what they mostly they eat, it's okay to say "okay" in moderation!
 We also take great pride in growing large gardens in the summer! It's nearly free. The Earth will provide it's share, if you are willing to share your time and love. There is truly nothing like fresh vegetables at a hand's reach, and knowing you had everything to do with it growing in the first place. Taking the harvest and making pickles, jams, jellies, relishes, canned and frozen veggies.....nothing quite like it!
  So to eat healthy, truly starts with awareness. The grocery store can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you are not liking the way you look or feel? Perhaps, you and the grocery store need to get to know one another again. Be aware of what you NEED and what you DON'T. Even if you are not as fond of the kitchen as I am, take small steps to really enjoy what you are preparing. Sometimes these things take time! It's all good :) Take the time to turn over a product and read the label. Compare products and prices! Clip coupons, and look for deals!
    In this blog I hope to really share a lot of my insights, recipes, tips, homemade ideas,  cleaners, a clean eating diet, better choices, and more! Eating healthy isn't a life sentence, it's a lifestyle!!